Many Christian youths are in romantic relationships. Sadly, these relationships have gone beyond the limit where they have already had several sexual encounters with their partners. Fortunately, they are not happy with the state of the relationship because of the frequent sexual encounters. They want to stop having sex all the time but are unable. The devil would always want to keep you in that state and will always remind you that everybody is doing it so do not worry, it is normal. But you know in your heart that it is not normal, you are not happy whenever you have sex with the person you claim to love.
Many people have been deceived to think that it is normal to sleep or have sex when you love someone. Yes, let me be frank here, it is normal for people who are not Christians. This is because if you are not a Christian, it is very normal to have sex because you need to do things that please your father-the devil. So it is normal to have sex when not a believer, but irrespective of whether you are a Christian or not, the consequence of sleeping with that person before saying I do is still there and dire. If the relationship doesn’t work, you always feel cheated and used because you have committed so much by offering your body on the altar of sacrifice. Jesus has already given the ultimate sacrifice and you have no business sacrificing your body for the sake of love to the yet-to-be qualified person. But many people in relationships are proving their love by having sex with their object of love. This is rather unfortunate.
But it is a different thing altogether when you are a Christian. When Christians have sex with people they are not supposed to, they may feel bad, dirty, and guilty. My focus here is on these people. If you can have sex with anybody and you do not see anything wrong, you are on a different planet and I will advise you to reconsider that lifestyle, assess yourself and see whether you have a future with that kind of lifestyle. If you are a Christian, then you may have to consider surrendering anew your life to Jesus.
Now let me come back to the main thing. I was saying that if you want to stop having sex with the person you claim to love, I have just one solution. It is only one solution. This solution has been tested and tried. This solution will not replace you surrendering your life to God, personal prayer life, Bible reading, and the Holy Spirit’s help to you. But this is just an additional help.
I had a friend in the university who eventually found herself in a very precarious situation. She accepted the proposal of this young man whom she loved so much. They could not stay away from each other and committed the pardonable sin (i.e., had sex with the person). The sexual encounter continued whenever the young lady visited the gentleman. The gentleman had no roommate so you can imagine what was happening anytime the lady went visiting. But the good thing was that the lady was not happy with the sexual escapades. Yes, it was sweet and pleasurable. Bread eaten in secret is sweet but … The end of eating poisoned bread is certain. She wanted to stop the act of sex with immediate effect. I advised her to stop visiting the gentleman in his room and also expect that the relationship may come to an end because it was built on the wrong foundation. The foundation was faulty and had no future. So the lady stopped going for visits. This affected the relationship and there was a break-up. But the good thing was that the lady became free and got back with her relationship with God. Our relationship with God must be taken more seriously than any other relationship. When she eventually told someone about the whole thing, she had help and became free. Unless you are happy with what you are doing, I submit to you the power of a third party. The Bible says, Confess your faults one to another.
You need someone who can help deal with the situation. You see when a third party knows of your escapades, it can help you put a stop to it. Do not be deceived to think that everybody is in the same boat. NO. You need help and you must seek help. At this point, you have to be selfish and seek help out of that regular sex you have been having with the person who has not paid your dowry yet. You having sex together is not pleasing and glorifying God. Yes, it is fun having sex, but your conscience is always dealing with you and you know you are doing something wrong. You are active in church and in the things of God, but this is breaking you. Seek help! Get to someone who can help you. This is what I call, an ACCOUNTABLE PARTNER; someone who will ‘judge’ you but is ready to help you overcome this challenge and get you out of it by the grace of God and by the help of the Holy Spirit. When this person spoke with me, that was the end of the problem. The key thing was that she was not happy. If you are happy with the whole situation, then, continue to enjoy but remember that whatever you sow, you will reap.