Perambulating With Life

Life must be lived with purpose. When your life doesn’t have any focus, anywhere looks like a destination. When you are living anyhow with no focus and vision, spiritually, physically and financially, this is what I call perambulating with life.

You must have a focus in life. What are you living for? What is your focus spiritually, physically and financially?

Are you spiritually focussed? Are you sure of your spiritual future? We must be sure of who we are serving spiritually. There are only two choices, either you are serving the Living God or the dead satan. There is no middle ground. You are either for God or for satan. Make a good choice. Choose God and save your soul.

What about your physical life? Are you taking care of yourself physically? We are living in a physical world and therefore we must make conscious effort to take good care of the body. Feed well and have a routine exercise life. Do not leave your physical life to chance. Be intentional about how you want to look and feel.

We are also living in an economic world and therefore money is important for daily transactions. We need money to make life comfortable and pleasurable. Plan your financial life with all the seriousness it requires. Work hard and smart to take good care of your family and help others.

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